1960-61 Coach Robert Maroney

1961-62 Coach Don Thompson

1962-63 Coach Randall Raburn
Each picture allows the posting of "comments" of memories of the team. This is a group project in its infancy. If you have a photo to share, send to lipanexchange-basketball@yahoo.com
"Great idea! I expect there are a lot of old photos languishing in former students' scrapbooks. Perhaps this will motivate many exes to send them to you for the electronic scrapbook. Hope so. I'll pass the word to any that I run across. As an example, my sister, who lives in Mineral Wells, had a team photo of the Girls 1947 team that was so good. Think that team only lost 2 games. It was the team that beat Proctor in late 1946, at the end of which ensued the "famous" Lipan-Proctor free-for-all fight in and outside the Lipan gym. The next time I talk with her I'll see if she still has it. If so, I'll get a copy to you for the scrapbook."